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Vincent Gruyer, photographer in Paris, France

I am an alive Parisian photographer in France, in the 18th district of Paris, the district of the Gold drop (goutte d'Or). I use the technique of the panoramic catch of sight to photograph the Town of Paris (région Ile-de-France), the cemetery of the Lachaise Father in Parise (le cimetière du Père Lachaise à Paris), the regional natural reserve of the Polee (le parc naturel régional du Perche), central solid mass in Auvergne (massif central), the Island of Yeu and various photographs of Francee : the allied landings in Normandy (the D-Day), the town of Lille), Morocco with Marrakech and mountains of the Atlas.

My photographs are my vision of a place X at one time Z This vision includes/understands 3 forms of interpretations distinct:

- a numerical interpretation
- a historical interpretation
- a photographic interpretation.

From these three interpretations result the panoramic assembly from the place X, which is itself the result of my photographic process, him even resulting from an interpretation of reality Y at one time Z.

This vision of places X is mixed by an interpretation digital of binary data, 0 and 1.

Numerical interpretation which is managed at the time of the photographic process by the numerical camera.

Numerical interpretation which is involved in my photographic interpretation.

Photographic interpretation which is a apréhension of space photographed according to my feelings at the time Y.

Numerical interpretation of the reality which I also juxtapose for some panoramic assemblies with the French history. History which one knows thanks to interpretations and to the analysis of the historical facts by the historians and the researchers.

For my panoramic assembly, I supperpose photographs the one on the others, in order to obtain the interpretation of the places. Parrallèle which one can also make with the history. One supperpose, one looks at, one compares events of the history in order to obtain an interpretation of a historical fact.

I present also here my research task to you on the traces of the history of the French revolution in Paris (France) and the traces of memory of the Parisian places for the Commune of Paris of 1871.

I photograph with the Sony mark numerical camera, models F 717. I assemble the numerical photographs with Adobe Photoshop CS. The result of my photographic process is drawn on silver paper


Plan du site - Liste des photos à acheter - © vincent GRUYER

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la Commune de Paris - la révolution française - le cimetière du Père Lachaise - la ville de Paris - le Perche - le massif central - l'ile d'Yeu - le Maroc - Divers photos

Internet site of a photographer of panoramic and artistic photographs, snap and photos.
Sitio Internet de un fotógrafo de fotografías panorámicas y artísticas.
Internet-Adresse eines Photographen panoramischer und künstlerischer Photographien und des Photosund Photographie.
Site internet d'un photographe de photographies panoramiques et artistiques et de photo panoramique et artistique.
Sitio Internet de un fotógrafo de fotografías panorámicas y artísticas y de fotografía panorámica y artística.
Pour trouver un formateur ou une formation pour les logiciels Abobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Premiere Pro,Macromedia DirectorMx 2004 Pro, sur l'analyse concurrentielle et la gestion de projet.
パノラマ式と功妙な写真及びパノラマ式と功妙な写真の カメラマンのインターネットサイト。
Liste des mots clés (clefs) pointant vers ce site Internet français de photos artisitiques et panoramiques.

Bibliographie pour la réalisation de photo panoramique de cet artiste photographe français.
Mention et prix de ce photographe panoramique et artistique.